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Sung live in Jerusalem by The one 'n only - The late Israeli Singer Ofra Haza.
Amda na'ara mul hakotel S'fatayim keirva v'santeir. Amra li, t'kiyot hashofar chazakot hein Aval hash'tika od yoteir. Amra li, Tziyon, Har Habayit Shatka li, hag'mul v'hazchut. Uma shezahar al mitzcha ben arbayim Haya argaman shel malchut.
Hakotel - eizov v'atzevet Hakotel - oferet vadam Yesh anashim im lev shel even. Yesh avanim im lev adam.
Amad hatzanchan mul hakotel Mikawl maklachto, rak echad Amar li, lamavet ein dmut Ach yesh koter - Rak tish'a millimeter bilvad. Amar li, eineni domei'a V'shav v'hishpil mabatim Ach saba sheli, Elohim hayodei'a, Kavur kan b'Har Hazeitim.
Amda bish'chorim mul hakotel Imo shel echad min hachir Amra li, einav na'ari hadolkot hein V'lo haneirot shebakir. Amra li, eineni roshemet Shum petek litmon ben s'dakav Ki ma shenatati lakotel rak emesh Gadol mimilim umik'tav.
Lyrics translation:
A girl stood facing the kotel (western wall) She drew her lips and chin close to it. She said to me, the shofar's blasts are strong But the silence is even stronger. She told me: Zion, the Temple Mount** She was silent, about the reward and the right. And what shone on her forehead at evening Was the purple of royalty.
The kotel, moss and sadness. The kotel, lead and blood. There are people with a heart of stone. There are stones with a human heart.
The paratrooper stood at the kotel. Of his whole division - the only one. He told me that death has no image But it has a diameter - Nine millimeters only. He told me, I'm not shedding tears And again lowered his glance. But my grandfather, God knows, Is buried here, on Har Hazeitim (the Mount of Olives).
The kotel......
She stood, dressed in black, at the kotel. The mother of one of the infantry soldiers. She told me, it's the eyes of my son that are shining And not the candles on the wall. She told me: I'm not writing Any note to hide between the cracks.*** Because what I gave to the kotel only last night Is greater than any words or writing.
There are 4 parts of this lecture. This is a digital "movie" file I made from my grandfather Rev. Dr. Orville H. McKay 35mm slides and real to real tape that I found in his apartment and "inherited" after his death in September 2010.
I believe he took the pictures while on a trip to Israel around 1962 though I am not sure on the date. I scanned in the pictures and had the reel to reel tape converted to mp3. I think used Roxio to match the jpeg images and mp3 as per his directions in this notes for the presentation which I then converted to an mp4 file. The presentation is 39 minutes long and remains fairly true to his scripted directions. In the introduction the script calls for a dark room but during this period I have included a picture of the script book that he used.
Some of the slide scenes include: Galilee, Horns of Hatton, a map of Jesus travels and life, Nazareth, Church of Annunciation, Grotto of the Annunciation, Rachel's Tomb, Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, Manger Site, Sphinx, Esdraelon, Sepphoris, Mt. Tabor, Jordan River, Mt. of Temptation, Pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem, Miracle in Cana, Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, Golan Heights, Mt. of Beatitudes, Church of the Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount, Plain of Gennesareth, Magdala, the town of Mary Magdalene, Sea of Falilee, Mt. of Samaria, Ruins of an old Byzantine Church, Sebastieh, Sychar, Jacob's Well, Mt. Gerazim, Jericho, Elisha's Spring, Dead Sea, Qumran, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bedouins, Essene community of Qumaran, Qumaran manuscripts, Qumran ruins, Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock, Solomonn's temple, Herod's temple, Mt. of Olives, Bethany, Kedron Valley, Mt. Zion, Gethsemane, St. Stephan's Gate, Wailing Wall, Stations of the Cross, Via Dolorosa, The way of Sorrows, Fortress Antonia, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Altars marking Calvary, Garden Tomb, Gordon's Calvary, Chinese Gordon, Golgotha, Tomb of the Kings.
接着,按行程编排,便顺利抵达以国与黎巴嫩接坏之边境哈尼卡拉洞穴(Rosh HaNikra),该希伯来文意指「如头颅形状之洞穴」 (Head of the Grottoes)。乘吊车往沿岸的一端(约2分钟),不单能远眺一望无际的地中海,且看见许许多多由海水长年洗刷而成之奇形怪状的白色石灰岩,构成一幅美丽的大自然景观,令人目不暇给。当吊车停至终点站,再往前走一条小径,便看见一个火车山洞。据说这里在上一个世纪英国管治巴勒斯坦期间所通往欧洲火车的交通要塞,现在此处还保留了当时候1942年的火车铁轨,只可惜复国后的以色列与黎巴嫩之间恩怨延至今天,火车路段早已被埋封于厚厚的石牆下。