
Watch The Lamb(视频)

Walking on the road to Jerusalem, 走在住耶路撒冷的路上,
The time had come to sacrifice again, 又是献祭的时侯了,
My two small sons, 我的两个小儿子,
They walk beside me on the road, 一路伴在我身旁,
The reason that they came 他们来的原因
was to watch the lamb. 就是要看献祭的羔羊。
Daddy, daddy, 爹地,爹地,
What will we see there, 在那里我们能看到什麽?
There's so much that we don't understand, 有这麽多事是我们无法理解的,
So I told them of Moses 所以我就告诉他们摩西,
and father Abraham, 与我父亚伯拉罕,
Then I said: 然後我说:
"Dear children watch the lamb." 「亲爱的孩子,看着羔羊。」
There will be so many in Jerusalem today, 今天在耶路撒冷会有很多,
We must be sure the lam b doesn't run away,我们要确定羔羊不要跑掉了,
And I told them of Moses 我就告诉他们摩西,
and father Abraham, 与我父亚伯拉罕,
Then I said: 然後我说:
"Dear children watch the lamb. "

When we reached the city, 当我们抵达这个城市,
I knew something must be wrong, 我发觉一定有些事出错了,
There were no joyful worshipers, 那里没有欢乐的献祭者,
No joyful worship songs, 那里没有欢乐崇拜的歌声,
I stood there with my children 我与孩子站在那里
in the midst of angry men, 在一群忿怒的人中间,
Then I heard the crowd cry out 然後我听到群众咆哮著:
Crucify Him! 「钉他十字架!」

We tried to leave the city 我想试著离开这城市
but we could not get away, 但我们却走不了,
Forced to play in this drama 身不由己地加入这场戏剧的表演
a part I did not wish to play, 一个我不想扮演的角色,
Why upon this day 为什麽在这一天
were men condemned to die, 人要被定罪处死,
Why were we standing here, 为何我们要站在这里,
Where soon they would pass by. 这个受刑犯人很快就会经过的地方。
I looked and said, 我还在边看边说著心裏的疑问,
even now they come, 既使当他们走到我面前时,
The first one cried for mercy, 第一个犯人呼求怜悯,
The people gave him none, 但人们却连一点也不给他,
The second one was violent, 第二个犯人非常凶暴,
He was arrogant and loud, 傲慢而且说话声音粗厉,
I still hear his angry voice 我仍听到他愤怒的声音
screaming at the crowd, 在拥挤的人群中喊叫,

Then someone said there's Jesus, 然後有人说耶稣来了,
I scarce believed my eyes, 我不敢相信我的眼睛,
A man so badly beaten, 一个被殴打得满身伤痕的人,
He barely looked alive, 他看起来几乎被打得半死,
Blood poured from His body, 血从他身上倾流而出,
From the thorns upon His brow, 从他眉毛上的荆冠流出,
Running down the cross, 往下流到十字架,
Falling to the ground. 再滴在地上。
I watched Him as He struggled, 我看著他忍受著痛苦,
I watched Him as He fell, 我看著他跌倒在地上。
The cross came down upon His back, 背在他背上的十字架同时跌落在地,
The crowd began to yell, 群众开始怒吼,
In that moment I felt such agony, 在这时刻我心中感到剧痛,
In that moment I felt such loss, 在这时刻我感到茫然无措,
Till a Roman soldier grabbed my arm 直到一个罗马兵丁抓住了我的手臂
and screamed: 粗声对我叫著:
"You, carry His cross!" 「你,背他的十字架!」

At first I tried to resist him, 我起初想要反抗他,
But his hand reached for his sword, 但他的手已要拔出他的刀来,
So I knelt and took 所以我就跪下接受了
the cross from the Lord, 从主而来的十字架,
I placed it on my shoulder, 我将它背在肩上,
We started down the street 我们开始沿著街走下去,
And the blood that He'd been shedding, 刚才他所流出的血,
Was running down my cheek 流下到我的脸颊,
They led us to Golgotha 他们带著我们到了各各他。
They drove nails, 他们把钉子钉下,
Deep in His feet and hands, 深深地扎入他的手与脚,
And on the cross, 在十字架上,
I heard him pray, 我听到他在祷告,
"Father, forgive them"; 「父啊,赦免他们。」
Never have I seen such love 我从未看过有如此的大爱,
In any other eyes 在其他人的眼神中出现过。
"Into thy hands I commit my spirit," 「我把我的灵魂交在你手中,」
He prayed, 他祷告著,
And then He died. 随即他就死去了。

I stood for what seemed like years, 我站在那里像是过了几年一样,
I lost all sense of time, 我失去了时间感,
Till I felt two tiny hands 直到我感到两个小手
Holding onto mine. 仍牵著我的手。
My children stood there weeping, 我的小孩站在那里哭泣,
And I heard the oldest say 我听到大儿子说:
"Father please forgive us, 「父亲,请原谅我们,
The lamb, Ran away...羔羊,跑掉了…
Daddy daddy, 爹地,爹地,
What've we seen here, 我们在这里看到了什麽?
There's so much that we don't understand," 有太多的事是我们不理解的。」
So I took them in my arms, 所以我就用双臂抱著他们,
We turned and faced the cross 我们转脸仰望十字架。
And I said: 我说道:
"Dear children watch the lamb.”

(Ray Boltz 1986)

